Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali
You & your Family

May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,

And an answer for each prayer. ......

Once Again wish you a very
Happy Diwali...
May you have a prosperous New Year Ahead.

For More details Contact: (+91) 9890-65-66-82

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Time Management with simple steps

Time Management with simple steps

Time management with help of Vision, Priorities and Action
Time management is a very important topic. There are a lot – I mean a lot – of books devoted to time management. Of course time management is important: after all, time is one of the resources which are not renewable and which availability cannot be increased. All of us have the same amount of time which is only 24 hours a day. Nobody can get more than that, no matter how rich he or she is.
So the problem is how to maximize this limited resource. Those who can maximize their time resouce will also be successful in their life.

While there are many time management techniques out there, I think the whole idea of time management can be compressed into only a few steps:

  • Schedule Your Days
  • Learn to Saying No
  • Plan for Emergencies
  • Have a vision
  • Based on the vision, set priorities
  • Based on the priorities, throw away all activities which do not fit
Get the idea ? Here are the details:

Schedule Your Days

Make a list and prioritize your activities normally accomplished in your daily routine.  Then add in your future goals you wish to accomplish.  Working off this list, you can allocate and schedule the days and/or times these items need to be completed. 

Learn to Saying No

The first tip given leads us directly into number 2.  New things come up all the time.  We get requests from colleagues with a new project idea or activity.  Before you say ‘Yes’ take a look at your schedule.  Do you have the proper amount of available time to give to this new task?  Don’t be afraid to say ‘No’ if your schedule does not allow the extra time. 

Plan for Emergencies

Along the way distractions come up that take us away from our normal, daily schedule.  Whether it is a doctor’s visits, event at our children’s school or even an impromptu phone call from a good friend.  Although we cannot plan for some of these events, we can schedule in advance and leave a bit of wiggle room within calendar to make up for the time spent. 

Have a vision

First of all, you must have vision. What is the purpose of your life ? What is the main goal of your life as a whole ? You should be able to answer these questions if you want to have effective time management. Why ? Because the effectiveness of your time is calculated based on your vision.
We can take analogy from sport. In basketball, the effectiveness of the time is measured by how many points a team scores and how many points it can prevent the opponent to score. This is because the vision or the goal in basketball is winning the game by scoring more points than your opponent. The vision is clear so we know how to measure time effectiveness is basketball. The same thing applies to life. How can you measure your effectiveness if you do not know the purpose of your life in the first place ?

Based on the vision, set priorities

Priorities flow naturally from your vision. Again in basketball, since the goal is to win the game by scoring more than the opponent, then the priorites are: a. Score as much as possible, and b. Prevent the opponent from scoring.
If you know your vision, you can easily set your priorities. It’s because you already have a clear standard of measurement. You will prioritize activities which lead to your vision. The better an activity takes you to your vision, the higher the priority you give to it.

Based on the priorities, throw away all activities which do not fit

Here is the last step. Simply throw away all activities which do not fit your priorities, and you are left with only those activities which lead you to your vision. Very simple, isn’t it ? This step prevents you from being distracted by activities which may sound interesting, but actually doesn’t help you achieve your life purpose.
By using these three steps, you can be sure that you spend your time on useful things. Or in other words, you will have an effective time management. Of course, there are more details on how to implement these steps, but the idea is clear: just do the things that lead to your vision.

Let’s change the gears & talk about you, Do you Think Big? Do you have a Burning Desire to Achieve Success?
If you think big and believe there is a Businessman, an Entrepreneur in you who can think big to get success, then let me introduce you to someone who can help this businessman and entrepreneur in you. Libricon Solutions this is a Brand name popular in the upcoming & established organizations or Small & Medium size businesses who wish to grow & have Global Reach. We are extensively working on Website Designing, Development, SEO ( Search Engine Optimization), Content Writing, Article Writing, Bulk SMS, Domain Registration, Web Hosting, Corporate Email Services and Business Consultancy at a Affordable cost from cities like PuneMumbaiIndore,Hyderabad which are Located in India. We use the top class web designing software[s] for our Clients while working on their exclusive designs. We provide a range of services at a very nominal cost but with high quality.

Specialized Services we provide are...

Click here to know more about the packages we offer under the umbrella of services provided by Libricon Solutions

Few more things you may be interested in.

1. Time Management with simple steps 
2. Self Development
3. Scope of Improvement
4. Leadership Skills

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Make your Small Business Grow Rapidly

Make your Small Business Grow Rapidly

Make your Small Businesses Grow Rapidly, Fast small business growth, extensive marketing , promotion, work upon tirelessly to ensure fast and continuous growth for your small businessMake your Small Businesses Grow Rapidly

Before you go further, you must understand that rapid growth of small business is a difficult process to execute as well as manage. You have to extensively dedicate your efforts to ensure rapid small business growth. A number of things are involved in the growth of a business and you need to keep an eye on each one of them.

What is more difficult is to manage the fast growth of small business, even if you are able to achieve it. If even a single thing goes wrong in a single month, it may lower down your overall growth rate. Here are few things you have to work upon tirelessly to ensure fast and continuous growth for your small business.

Planning is not only the first step of starting a business, but it should be done every month without taking any break. You must know how to plan about your business marketing, making business budgets, setting up monthly targets and so on. Accounting is another activity that you need to practice for small business growth. You must know the monthly profits and expenses. Budget should be prepared without failing to ensure that your funds are strategically spent.

One important practice for rapid small business growth is extensive marketing and promotion. You must eye at global buyers and not only the local buyers. Growth is possible in the local market, but rapid growth requires you to extend your reach at the global level. For this, internet marketing is the best medium one can think of. For sure you need to have a decent website to make the clients/customers feel the confidence in your business. You can choose Libricon Web Solutions to get a smart decent & effective website, to take your business to more and more buyers.

Fast small business growth is possible by regularly updating your products and services. Retaining old customers and building new relations should be done simultaneously by giving good quality products and services to them. Most importantly, you should have a strong communication medium to spread your latest business updated to your prospects.

Offering discounts and special offers too help in rapid small business growth. Your availability and on-time delivery are other good approaches to win loyal customers for your business that will help your business to grow faster and further. Give all these best shots to expect the business success to keep on rising.

Source :

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Your Next Lesson in Marketing Psychology

Your Next Lesson in Marketing Psychology – Selling Through Marcia Yudkin

Losing gobs of money, the hospital one mile from where I live is slated to close. I’ve seen this in headlines for more than a month, but the news didn’t hit home. Boston has a zillion hospitals, and this one isn’t world-class.

Then I learned what the hospital closing will do to emergency service for people calling 911 in my town: the nearest other hospitals, now overburdened, could refuse heart attack or accident victims and send them a half-hour farther away. Yikes! Now I understood. Conceivably, a family member or neighbor of mine might die because of this hospital closing.

While that consequence is logical to me, I didn’t draw that conclusion on my own. A similar stoppage occurs in marketing: we fail to point out consequences explicitly, thinking the implications of what we offer are obvious.

For instance, don’t assume people know what can happen if off-the-shelf software misses deductions or leaves out crucial explanations it’s better to provide. Spell out the consequences of not hiring your tax preparation service, and more clients may bite.

According to Dan Seidman, author of The Death of 20th Century Selling, for someone thinking of buying a car, the following would be consequences of not doing so:

* Can’t take a client to lunch in your car
* A look that says you’re not successful
* Danger when merging in traffic
* Feeling every bump in the road
* Surprised by what breaks down every month

Seidman notes that for business buyers, consequences include both repercussions for the company (angry shareholders) and for the individual responsible for the purchase (lower personal income).

Try painting a vivid picture that propels folks to avoid such effects. For you, the consequence is then something to smile about.

Exercises for Identifying Consequences

* Sit down with a paper and pad and list every consequence of not buying a particular item of yours that you can think of: dangers, hassles, costs of delay, lost opportunities and any other negative experiences. Select one of those consequences and build an email, postcard or print ad campaign around it.

* Slowly read through the printout of a promotional piece you’ve been using and highlight or circle every reason you’ve cited for your prospect to buy. Then for each reason, ask what the implications of that reason are for the buyer. Good prompts to use are “so that…” and “which means that…”

* Ask your sales people and customer service representatives which consequences they think motivate people most and which rarely come up but might have an impact if they did. Then tweak your marketing pitches accordingly.

* Turn your list of consequences into a quiz that you post on your web site or incorporate into an ad or mailing. Headline it: “Which of these concern you?”

Marcia Yudkin is the author of more than a dozen books, including 6 Steps to Free Publicity, now in its third edition, and Persuading People to Buy, from which this article is adapted.

Libricon Solutions.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Business Is The Best

When I was young, I completed all sorts of different personal development courses.

I did a mind power course and learnt how to visualize tocreate what I wanted.
I attended an many seminar's.
I attended a teenage development seminar.
And when I left school, I did all sorts of courses ranging from doing stuff from primal screaming to meditation.
I even did a some meditation course.
That was tough.

The reality is personal development has become huge over the lastfew years. And I believe it's a good thing.

At the same time, there's no better therapy than going into yourown business.
Think about it:

You're faced with challenges every day.
You have to deal with disappointment.
You have to learn to communicate with a range of differentpeople.
You have to "bust through" your limitations of what'spossible.
You have to learn to organize, sell, negotiate, write, deal withfinances, and everything else.
You have to learn to manage fear.
You have to be disciplined and committed.
You have to learn how to manage conflict.

You never know what's going to happen on a daily basis or how todeal with it.
And you are virtually forced to become more aware of yourself,your strengths and your weaknesses as a result of all of this.

Personally, I see anyone with the courage to go out and starttheir own business as a hero.

And today I think we should all give ourselves a pat on the backfor having the courage to go outside the realm of what we have todo and be committed to creating the life of our dreams.

And yes if you are looking for some help for your business do get in touch with Libricon Solutions ( ) , their team will help you grow your business.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Web development company based in India.

"Libricon Solutions” is a web development company based in India.

The company was founded by a team of enthusiastic IT Specialists and Business Analyst who wanted to overcome the routine and create a company that would act in the market not only for business success but for the sake of Technology itself. Thus, the mission of the company was defined – To provide Consulting Services for various requirements in information technology solutions to the quality conscious companies and individuals which will add value to their business and life. Our expertise lies in providing high quality consulting, development, implementation, and management skills..

Over and over, we have developed a range of solutions and gained ample experience in the services we offer: Custom Web Designing and Development, Reconstruction etc..

Our specialists have been providing services for multiple clients from India, USA, United Kingdom, Dubai, Uganda and other countries.

We are rapidly growing as a Business Solutions Company specializing in all the services essential for business growth. We specialize in Design ,Development and Maintenance of high quality Websites / Web-Application at reasonable rates which includes website design, website development, website hosting, and domain hosting, search engine submission and so on. We will scan images for you and arrange photography as required. We also maintain our own image library. Quality photography is very important. Our design service includes sourcing the images and illustrations that portray your business with the quality and style it demands.